Women’s Spring League
In the spring, the Windsor Club fields two teams that play in the Women’s Suburban Tennis League (WSTL). The league is made up of town and club teams in the greater Boston area. Matches are played from late April to early June on weekday mornings, with half the matches at home and half away. Four doubles pairs play every week.
The level of play is strong intermediate to advanced (USTA 3.5+ and above). For more information, please see the league website, www.wstl.org, or contact Linda Crowe, xcrowe@comcast.net or Martha Golub, golub.martha@gmail.com New players are always welcome!
Summer Leagues
The Windsor Club participates in an informal summer league consisting of local clubs (currently Newton, Needham). Doubles matches are scheduled depending on interest and availability and could be for men, women, or mixed pairs.
Matches are played in the evenings during the summer from late June to September. Suggested level of play is intermediate to advanced. For more information, contact Beth Mathiesen, bethmathiesen@gmail.com .
Social Round Robins
Social round robins are scheduled throughout the season from May to September to give members an opportunity to meet and play with other members. All levels are always welcome! These round robins may be scheduled anytime – morning, evening, or weekends – and could be for women, men or mixed.
Watch for a schedule at the beginning of the season! For more information, contactBeth Mathiesen, bethmathiesen@gmail.com .
Tennis Lessons
Members may sign up for tennis lessons through the club’s tennis pros. The pros handle lesson scheduling and fees. Please refer to the Tennis Pro’s contact information in the sidebar on the left. Please see Lessons section of Tennis Rules for the rules.
Tennis Calendar
Click Here to see Pro Jonathan Palmer’s tennis calendar. Contact Jonathan Palmer directly to schedule lessons at jpalmer.windsor@gmail.com.